We can be your preferred developer, landlord, consultant or owner representative.
Does Your Business Need Help To …
Enter new markets or
fill gaps in market coverage?
Bank of America/LaSalle Bank, Greater Chicago Area
Execute a multi-year
business plan?
Nobel Learning Communities/Chesterbrook Academy, Suburban Chicago
Acquire and redevelop a
Save-A-Lot Grocery 63rd and Calumet, Chicago
Reposition an asset?
400 Central Ave. and 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL
Develop a public-private
Save-A-Lot Grocery 79th and Halsted, Chicago
Reduce capital
and operating costs?
West Suburban Bank, Aurora, IL/ West Suburban Bank, Sugar Grove, IL
Find qualified, short-term development staff?
Private Bank
We can be your preferred developer, landlord, consultant or owner representative.
Does Your Business Need Help To …
Enter new markets or fill gaps in market coverage?
Bank of America/LaSalle Bank, Greater Chicago Area
Execute a multi-year
business plan?
Nobel Learning Communities/Chesterbrook Academy, Suburban Chicago
Acquire and redevelop a
Save-A-Lot Grocery 63rd and Calumet, Chicago
Reposition an asset?
400 Central Ave. and 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, IL
Reduce capital
and operating costs?
West Suburban Bank, Aurora, IL/ West Suburban Bank, Sugar Grove, IL
Develop a public-private
Save-A-Lot Grocery 79th and Halsted, Chicago
Find qualified, short-term
development staff?
Private Bank
The Executives
Bob Qualkinbush and Steve Qualkinbush are experienced developers, landlords and investors in commercial real estate. All projects completed by Q2 follow a refined and vigorous process that delivers the best locations at the lowest cost.
Steve has more than 30 years experience adding value to properties for clients and for his own account. He has initiated and managed development projects totaling more than $500,000,000. The projects range from capital costs exceeding $100,000,000 to less than $1,000,000. But no matter how many commas the budget holds, every project follows a tried and true essential process allowing for innovation and new ideas. Steve believes the value of a project is created very early in the process. He worked in government, consulted with cities and towns, was employed for nine years with Homart Development Co., a large development company, and for himself since 1993.
Steve graduated from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School with a Masters in Management, has a Masters in Landscape Architecture from University of Illinois and a Bachelors from Purdue University

Bob shares this philosophy with Steve: short cuts in development process and project management come at great peril to value. Bob is an experienced project manager and has a successful track record evidenced by the development of the Nobel Learning Community Pre-schools, West Suburban Bank projects and The PrivateBank facility. He solved unique problems related to bank owned properties, and manages the daily activities and value creation in the family portfolio of properties. He also worked in commercial appraisal and is a licensed broker. Bob graduated from DePaul University and is enrolled in the University of Notre Dame Mendoza College of Business.